1. The Company was incorporated on 31st January 1996 and started its operation on 2nd April 1996. The Company was listed with DSE & CSE on 18th Jan 2010.Md. Momin Ali is the Chairman and Mr. Md. Zahedul Islam (Zahid) is the Chief Executive Officer of the Company.
2. The paid up capital of the company is taka 34,75,19,290 (Thirty four crore seventy five lac nineteen thousand two hundred ninety) taka only. Total assets are worth Tk 131.67 Crore. Net asset Value per share is 19.86 and Earning per share is Tk. 1.82(June.2021).
3. The Company has 59 Branches with 850 employees of different categories.
4. Provati Insurance is a "AAA" rated company.
5. The Company is a member of:
- a) Bangladesh Insurance Association (BIA)
- b) Bangladesh Insurance Forum (BIF)
- c) Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI)
- d) Dutch-Bangla Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DBCCI)
- e) e-commerce Association of Bangladesh (e-CAB)
- f)Bangladesh Association of Publicly Listed Companies (BAPLC)
- g) Latin America-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce And Industry (LABCCI)
6. The company is also certified ISO 9001:2015 by UNI-CERT.
7. The vision of the Company may be summed up below:
- a. To establish a strong economic security base in the field of commerce and industry of the country.
- b. To become one of the best general insurance companies in every sense & every sphere whatsoever.
- c. To win the support and satisfaction of the clientele by reaching out company services to their doorsteps.
- d. To establish a standard of performance to be carried on from generation to generation.